Canadian Christadelphian Bible School 2024

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
— Philippians 4:8

Group Photos

Morning Exhortations

  • Face-to-face and the Tree of Life ( Gen 2:7-9; Rev 22:1-4 )
    Bro. Ken Wood
  • A Warning
    Bro. Daniel Ribaudo Jr.
  • We are what we think
    Bro. Daniel Ribaudo Jr.
  • Perception and thought are intertwined
    Bro. Daniel Ribaudo Jr.
  • Transforming our minds
    Bro. Daniel Ribaudo Jr.
  • A strategy for defeating sin
    Bro. Daniel Ribaudo Jr.

Evening Lectures

  • The Peace of God ( Phil 3:4-13 )
    Bro. Mike MacDonald
  • Reasons for Believing ( Heb 11:1-6 )
    Bro. Phil Kapusta
  • A Prayer to his Father Concerning the Eleven & Us ( John 17:14-26 )
    Bro. David Pinkston
  • Exit Strategy ( 2 Cor 4:13-18 )
    Bro. Tony Delorenzo
  • Israel 2024 ( Zech 12:1-3 )
    Bro. Mike Cude


  • Junior Choir
    Sis. Christine VanHorn, Sis. Rachel Ribaudo
  • Adult Choir
    Sis. Martha Chiles

Intermediate Classes

Being Led through the Narrow Way by the Wisdom of God

Bro. Vincent Diliberto

The subject matter I plan to teach the young people Lord Willing will be on the topic of "Being led through the narrow way by the Wisdom of God." I couldn't think of a better topic that would invoke each young person who is being challenged to take the broad way which leads to destruction. Since the flesh is weak, we must rely on the standard and blueprint laid out by the Heavenly Father and his Son to refine the very thing we are. We will examine various themes throughout Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, the Gospel, and letters from Paul to gain the depth of Character we ought to have. We will answer questions including; What is truth? What is my purpose in the eyes of the creator? How am I made strong through Weakness? I plan to challenge the wisdom that is being taught today through media and empower their mind when faced with difficulties. I hope the young people will be eager to commit to Christ and choose what master they plan to serve. The gloves will be off, and their ears will be ringing by the time I'm done with them.

Historical Evidence of Jesus Christ and Examining the Compelling Proofs of his Resurrection

Bro. Todd Lindeblad

We will look into the historical evidence of Jesus Christ and examine the compelling proofs of His resurrection. We will be establishing his historical existence, evidence for the resurrection, and understanding the profound impact of His resurrection on believers. This journey will reflect on how Christ's life and teachings influence our own paths. Through videos and thoughtful discussion, this series offers a transformative look at the life of Jesus and that our faith is built on a solid foundation.

Psalm 91 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty

Bro. Jake Ribaudo

The need for shelter is identified as one of seven human physiological needs or needs that are necessary for human survival. But what is shelter to you? And where is your "dwelling place?" Through our class this week we will examine God's intentions for human survival on this planet we call Earth, as well as take a look at where the "Most High" dwells. Is it in a temple fashioned by human hands? And where does God dwell now?

Through understanding the plan of God we can begin to see how he intended to "form the earth to be inhabited" (Isa 45:18) By gaining this knowledge we will also examine what the "house of the LORD" looks like today, how we are its members, and how we should establish lifelong relationships with those around us so that our Walk in this life will be easier, "bearing one another's burdens, so fulfilling the Law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2)

Our class this week will also feature interactive activities, lessons in teamwork, and in responsibility for one another.

Adult Classes

Unveiling the Hidden Messages through Bible Symbols

Bro. Joseph Fordham

The majestic symmetry and beauty in the Lord's Word extends deep to the world of Iconography, the study of his mighty symbols and their incalculable inspirations. How did the Jews know that they would survive and outlive every persecution? Perhaps the Burning Bush would supply the answers. How can we use the symbol of ships as a guiding force in scripture to help understand the context of our own lives, our families and ecclessias? Perhaps we can find them together in the Lord's great iconography of ships. How did Christ know how he would be sacrificed at the age of 12? Possibly all the five iterations of the cross forecast as symbols from the Bronze Serpent forward can tell us. All the passion for studying symbols is meant to inspire and uplift us towards God's illustrious kingdom age.

Paul's letter to the Ephesians

Bro. Bill Tucker

This class will be a study of Paul's very instructive and uplifting "Letter to the Ephesians", realizing that it was written for a much larger audience than just those servants of Christ living in ancient Ephesus. Clearly, there is a great deal of helpful counsel for those of us living in these last days, as well. Specific topics to be discussed are the glory of God, the Prince of this world, the elements (ingredients) of our salvation, the mystery, the unity of the faith, walking as children of light, and God's armor for us.

Lessons from the Book of Jonah

Bro. Sam Diliberto

48 verses, an easy read - should take you no more than 20 minutes to read this book! In this week we will look at the story of Jonah. Everyone including our children has heard about Jonah and the whale... we will talk about the miracles of Yahweh, the storm, the great fish that God prepared, Jonah's prayer & survival in the belly of the fish, the gourd, the worm, and the scorching wind. Who were the Ninevites?....and could the Ninevites turn from their wicked ways so quickly?

In these 48 verses we will look at God's love, His mercy, a lesson that we cannot hide from God, or outrun God, and then we will take a look at Jonah's anger, depression, and God's compassion & forgiveness, even on the ungodly.

Culture of Discernment

Bro. Josh Cude

Paul in his epistle to the Roman ecclesia delivers this timeless instruction to the believer: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Rom. 12:2).

Discernment is a skill, a skill that is sourced from knowledge and faith, honed through life's experiences and perfected in fellowship with the household of faith. Discernment comes when faith is tried and perfected as God works in the life of the believer. Discernment is not judgement but a clear understanding of truth in the mind of the believer to determine what is good and acceptable to Yahweh.

How do we navigate a world that casts instantaneous judgement without any discernment whatsoever? How do we develop a spirit of discernment for the mutual edification of our brothers and sisters without passing judgement? How do we maintain discernment through a lifetime of challenges, setbacks, heartache and suffering? How do we develop a culture of discernment in our lives, with our families and in the ecclesial community?

Take a look a scripture and you will find that Yahweh has for centuries endeavored to teach mankind to focus on discernment. Most, if not all the major bible characters in scripture, were being taught the value of discernment by God thereby providing this study many edifying examples. By faith and with a humble and contrite heart, we pray that God will gently instruct us to patiently develop a culture of discernment in our hearts, with our families daily and in our ecclesial communities.