Canadian Christadelphian Bible School 2009

Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.
— 2 Peter 1:10

Group Photos

Morning Exhortations

  • Humility ( Pro 18:12, 2 Kgs 5 )
    Bro. Les Wilson
  • Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that ye might be partakers of the divine nature... ( 2 Pet 1:4 )
    Bro. David Pinkston
  • For he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his toungue from evil; and his lips from guile. ( 1 Pet 3:10 )
    Bro. Dave Carter
  • Let him turn away from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it. ( 1 Pet 3:11 )
    Bro. Andrew Molinaro
  • Be mindful that we have been called out to inherit a blessing, and so with one mind show love towards each other ... even when others would render unto you evil. ( 1 Pet 3:8,9 )
    Bro. Todd Lindeblad
  • With a good conscience and coversation rooted in Christ, be ready always to give an answer of the hope that lies within you ( 1 Pet 3:15,16 )
    Bro. Paul Pursell

Evening Lectures

  • A Distant Mirror
    Bro. Robert Harrison
  • Combating 150 Years of Darwin's Influence
    Bro. Richard Farrar
  • First Principles of Prophecy
    Bro. Joe Walton
  • The Exodus Trek: A Closer Look
    Bro. Richard Pursell
  • A Special Land - A Special People
    Bro. James Horton

Intermediate Classes

Overcoming Adversity

Bro. Michael Arabia

Our classes will be character studies as they relate to overcoming adversity, trials and the difficult times we all encounter. Our thoughts will focus on how the choices we make in the valleys of life can lead to tremendous personal and spiritual growth over time. The Bible is full of examples of believers who were tested. Many of them initially failed those tests. But those that endured and kept at it were handsomely rewarded for their efforts. We will look at four such studies over the course of the week, those being: Samson, Hosea, Esther and Peter. On our concluding day, we will take a look at the character of Christ and the general topic of overcoming spiritual adversity with God as our guide and lighthouse.

Dealing with Conflicts

Bro. Brian Forbes

Our foundation will be the 22nd chapter of Joshua, where we find brethren that had been brought together for the mutual fight against sin are suddenly tasked with dealing with a potentially devastating sin in their midst. Despite good intentions all around, two distinct solutions, and weapons, are revealed: The sword of men (quick judgment based upon supposition); and the sword of God (righteous discernment achieved through the mediation of a high priest). An examination reveals a myriad principles and examples that apply to our Brotherhood, both young and old. Specifically, for our younger students, I want to discuss the realities of conflicts that are sure to arise during their walks, whether it be in their families, their home ecclesia or the Body at large, and how vital it is we deal with each other as Yahweh deals with us: In absolute truth, through longsuffering, mercy and the other pillars of Yahweh's character (love).

Prophecy in the Bible

Bro. Lucas Stanton

In Amos 3:7 we are told 'Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.' Over the course of the week's classes, we will take a general look at prophecy in the Bible; defining what prophecy is, and exploring how God interwove His prophetic message through the Bible. We hope to show that even though the means of prophetic revelation may differ greatly, the message is consistent, and from this message we can find encouragement and support as we awa it for the fulfillment of the greatest prophecy of all, God's kingdom reestablished on the Earth.

Adult Classes

Lessons from the Wilderness

Bro. Bryan Cram

Not only did the Law given through Moses introduce a Godly expectation which would necessitate a Redeemer, it also had in it a shadow of good things to come. From divine requirement to millennial glory, mistakes in the wilderness to the beauty of the feasts, the Law and the period in which it was revealed bear remarkable relevance to our day. Our exercise, God willing, will be to highlight several kindred aspects of God's Law and wilderness lessons, paying special attention to the exhortation incorporated therein that carries particular meaning for our current probation.

A Study of Hebrews 9 and 10

Bro. Keith Sankey

This class will be a verse - by - verse study of the 9th and 10th chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews. It will focus on all the better things of the new covenant contrasted with the old covenant. Particular focus will be made on the better sacrifice of Christ.

Twelve Ordinary Men

Bro. David Hill

This class will examine the lives of the twelve apostles. They were 12 ordinary men plucked from everyday life for the greatest undertaking the world had ever witnessed. They were ordinary in the sense they were just like us - weak and frail whose lives needed to be shaped, changed and enhanced by the presence of their Master. Their commission was to call men and women to the service of the Creator of the universe that His glory might be revealed in them. They are referred to as The Twelve, Twelve Disciples and Apostles. Disciple means learners or students in training. This is what they were doing during the months spent under the direct and personal tutelage of the Lord. Apostle means messengers - one sent. Jesus had many disciples but the roll of an apostle was to be called to a special office involving a position of leadership and exclusive teaching authority in the early ecciesia. Over the period of the time they spent with Jesus, they progressed from students in training to proclaimers of the gospel message. Their mission, like ours, under the direction of their Master was for them and is for us to transform ourselves from ordinary people into ambassadors for Christ.

Who may abide the day of his coming? (Mal. 3:2)

Bro. David Love

These classes will be based around the exposition of the book of Malachi. We will use the message of this prophet, including the historical context, for the purpose of applying the instruction of God to ourselves. There are significant parallels between our day and the time and situation that the nation of Israel found themselves in - that is what makes this study timely and constructive to our faith. The structure and message of this book lends itself well to self-examination and preparation for our Lord's return, primarily individually but also collectively.
     Our study will help us to focus on the one thing that we can control as we look forward to the return of Christ, namely ourselves. We hope to be able to more confidently answer the question we have each pondered and God has asked us through His prophet Malachi: "Who may abide the day of his coming?"

Types and Shadows in the Book of Judges

Bro. Ed Duffied

The Gospel message and the images of our Saviour Jesus Christ are found in many places in the Old Testament. This is very true of the Book of Judges. The book of Judges is a most exciting book and it contains some of the most fascinating stories in all of the Old Testament.

  1. The class will begin with a background and setting of the time of the Judges.
    • Why study examples of Christ in the old testament?
    • Israel in Joshua's time
    • Israel's possession of their land
    • Israel afer Joshua's time
  2. The class will consider Othniel and Ehud,
    • What kind of bravery did Ehud really show?
    • Many types and shadows of Christ in the Ehud story
  3. Deborah and Barak,
    • Why is Deborah not in the Hebrews haIl of fame;
    • How does Barak show his faith?
    • Combine Judges 4 and 5 to get the full story.
  4. Gideon, and
    • If Gideon is faithful why does he need so many signs?
    • How many signs does one person need?
    • How do we know God is with us?
  5. Samson.
    • Why is Samson in Hebrews 11 as a faithful man?
    • What is the rest of Israel doing?

God-Manifestation: A People for His Name

Bro. Gary Wood

The word "manifest" in the New Testament means "to make evident or certain by showing or displaying" and comes from a root word meaning "to lighten or shine". There are three primary aspects of God-Manifestation that we will consider in this study: the names and titles of Deity (in Hebrew, Greek, and English); examples of how our Heavenly Father has manifested Himself to man as revealed in His word; and His purpose to manifest Himself in His soon coming Glorious Kingdom. "But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD." There is a strong relationship between the name of Yahweh and His glory as revealed through His people Israel, the Psalms, the prophets, and most importantly through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. When Moses made the request at Mt. Sinai to "show me Thy Glory", the name of Yahweh was revealed through His character as His goodness was made to pass by Moses (Exodus 33 & 34). Jesus was the perfect manifestation of his Father's goodness throughout his life and ministry.
     Our connection to the subject of God-Manifestation as believers in the 21st century is summed up by the Apostle James in Acts 15:14: "Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name." God is continuing to call out His chosen people to be a part of His name and to shine forth His glory. As Jesus was the perfect reflection of His Father's character, so we as his disciples must strive to reflect the character of Yahweh as faithful servants in preparation for that day when the saints as a multitude with Jesus will fulfill the glorious purpose of the name Yahweh Elohim, "He who will be the Mighty Ones."